Health & safety guidelines

Before your appointment

  • Drink plenty of water. Hair is removed easiest from hydrated skin.

  • Avoid caffeine for 2 hours prior. Caffeine is dehydrating which can make it more painful/difficult to remove hair.

  • Avoid alcohol for 2 hours prior. This may result in excessive bleeding. Some pinpoint bleeding is normal.

  • Make sure your hair is long enough to remove! If you are able to pinch and pull the unwanted hair it should be ready.

  • Come to your appointment in loose-fitting clothes if possible. Your skin will want to breathe after!

After your appointment (for the next 24 hrs)

  • No tanning. Hair removal also removes a surface protective layer of the skin and you are more likely to burn.

  • Don’t apply any lotions or oils. You pores are open and applying product may result in irritation, bumps, etc.

  • Avoid sweating. Your workout can wait!

  • Avoid hot water such as a bath or hot tub.

  • Feel free to exfoliate after 24 hours with a chemical or physical exfoliant to prevent ingrown hairs.